The novel is based in the mental ward in a psychiatric hospital in Oregon. It is an allegory on the psychopathic obsession of that time (the 1960s). The story is narrated by a gigantic, half-Indian "Chief Bromden", a patient of the ward who suffers from hallucinations and delusions.The ward is controlled by a tyrannical nurse: Nurse Ratched who reigns over all the inhabitants of the ward, including the orderlies, the staff nurses, and even the doctor. He controls everyone with surgical precision, using underhanded tactics to render everyone helpless and submissive.
Things change with the arrival of Randal McMurphy, a Korean veteral who has a history of insubbordination and street brawls. McMurphy quickly realizes that several patients in the ward are sane and simply emasculated because of the nurse and her controlling tactics.
This novel is about the fight between authority and free spirit.
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